Refreshingly simple

As a copywriter, I can’t help but observe the steady amplification of language. Exaggeration is the rule. Superlatives like “game-changing,” “extraordinary,” and “breakthrough” are the rule.

To be honest, I’m guilty of planting these claims in the copy I write. It’s become the expectation. 
Knowing these claims can’t all be true, consumers wisely begin to tune them out. This includes the rare brand that can actually back them up.
In short, we’re losing trust.
When I spot a vintage tagline like “Milk Refreshes” from the American Dairy Association, it feels disarmingly honest. The claim isn’t heightened, it’s human. For me, it is the language equivalent of DRAPLIN DESIGN COMPANY LLC. Stripped down (not overly complex), evocative (not abstract), genuine (not inflated).
I’d like to see copywriting move in this direction, back to telling it like it is. This is what make Draplin’s work so charming and honest. The question is, when will content catch up?
It sure would be refreshing.


Wearing our true colors


Changing the picture